New_Employee_Safety_Assessment 2022.pdf
Guide to assess new employee training
New_Employee_Safety_Assessment 2022.pdf
Guide to assess new employee training
Slip Trip Fall Self Evaluation and Checklist (003).pdf
Slips Trips and Falls Safety Checklist
Handout - Hearing Exposure.pdf
Hearing exposure and protection in the workplace
Claim Packet 122723.pdf
Eastern Claim Packet, Revised 12-27-2023
Claim Reporting Worksheet-2024.pdf
Worksheet to help you gather information to report a claim to Eastern.
An Employer's Guide to Truck Trailer Mobile Equipment Entry and Exit Strategies
A guide to strategies employers can implement to reduce hazards related to entering and exiting trucks, trailers and mobile equipment.
Guide - Prevent Eye Injuries.pdf
10 Steps to prevent eye injuries
Employee Safety Around Construction and Renovations.pdf
Tips for employees on staying safe while working around construction areas.
Medical Cost Savings Midwest 4Q 2021.pdf